In life I've noticed things aren't always what they seem. The outside of someone or something isn't always whats on the inside or represents what the interior truly conceals. Cliche I know...
Through my own eyes and social media, one is able to see a world turn against itself. Those who really are aware fear for the future's revelation. The media, or maybe it's something a bit more dangerous and powerful that is turning people against each other. Even those with pure love within are turning against friends and family. We often let outside affairs reach the insides of homes promoting hate, jealousy, greed, lust etc... In public there are kind smiles and piercing stares, friendly handshakes along with well wishes. Thoughts of the world and surroundings today are constantly present in the minds of people and the threat of danger is easily viewed through your devices or television, which is practically unavoidable now. If you look around you almost can see the good becoming bad and the bad appearing to look good. Let that sink in for a minute. Not just singling out one entity in particular but not excluding people themselves and the government. What is one to believe throughout the storms and mass confusion? How do we come so far and not move at all? As a human race and a country? What about as a world? Faith provides a sense of hope while not always speaking for the greater good or opening one another's eyes to the damning hate and growing negativity. Is this generation's future really left in the hands of sports figures and TV Reality stars? Why do we not use our education and Godliness to promote and make changes ourselves? When I say we, I am singling out the world leaders, the governments, the news broadcasters, the promoters and sponsors who often decelerate when a certain agenda or path is changed/challenged. What is this new agenda flooding deceptive and extremely controversial content through every outlet possible? Does freedom really allow people to chose their own road through life? It's not a side to live or choose in life it will and always has been ashes to ashes and dust to dust. Period. So, where did the glorification of hate and pain come from? Why does the media thrive off of the negative which only promotes anger and bitterness within those who are forced to become viewers. People become obligated to pick sides. Disagreements become conflicts, bonds become ticking time bombs, and friends turn into enemies. This is what I have seen take place! Now thinking back on the "ashes to ashes" quote as I write I get chills thinking of what else that has always been, the ageless battle of good vs. evil. One thing that was here before America and other countries is God. Christianity, Islam, and the black/white, Indians, Jews, Hispanics just to name a few Godly and peaceful examples are all under one sun. So listen close when you hear people speak their minds pay attention. Not excluding right or wrong but, again singling out, is it positive or negative, good or evil?
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