Monday, November 9, 2020

America's Love for the Bad and the Ugly


    How many times have you rooted for the bad guy? Think about it. We loved Arnold's character in the first Terminator, Pacino in Scarface, El Padron in Narcos, and on and on. Studies have shown when it comes to TV shows and Media, the audience loves a little action whether it's good or bad. In fact, the bad gets the most attention. The same goes for social media. I.E. Whenever there's a good dispute everyone chimes in with their opinion and even more people read the threads. People cant get enough of the rage and verbal jousting. This proved to be the case in the 2016 Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Obviously Trump was more aggressive with his verbiage as he entertained the audience while debating to be the "Leader of the Free World."Boy did he know how to work the crowd and it was entertaining. Before the 2016 election, some could have considered Trump a slight underdog, maybe. In many cases we all love a good underdog, not so much with Trump for some but you get where I'm going. 

    But where or when did we alter our tolerance for the new normal, in regard to conversations and disagreements? Allow me to give an opinion. First, in the late 90's and early 2000's there was the Jerry Springer show, remember..? All kinds of hell broke loose on that show and the ratings went through the roof. America couldn't get enough of the torn families, disappointing stories and lengthy arguments among spouses. Don't forget the exciting DNA results that were revealed. How many of us couldn't wait for that volcano to explode? Then, a few years later after the more level headed viewers began to complain the show faded as the dramatic confrontations were dialed down. Next, we were introduced to Jersey Shore followed by Bad Girls Club. America continued to indulge in watching people make fools of themselves whether it was scripted or unscripted. Kids continued to watch. Once producers realized what they had with this they took it to another level, often hiding it behind the upper class environments and titles like The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Orange County, New York City and so on. Then, came Love and Hip Hop more and more people were tuning in and watching drinks being thrown on each other during dinners, lunches, and even breakfast sometimes. People congregating as friends then talking about the first person who leaves the room. Even engaging in adultery and cheating in relations hips with friends and so on.

    Make no mistake, this type of mind control wasn't just discovered. It was well-known for many decades. The news channels got the best rating when they covered a war or a major crisis. Even then certain forms of sharing the news and world events were censored. Now, the censorship has been lifted from these networks and our children see what we had to stay up until 11pm to see, at dinner time. The difference in the 90's was you could turn it off, not read it, or tune it out. Now, the chaos is everywhere from the TV, at work, school, to the smartphone which encourages you to download social media apps. Once the government realized what the "blue app" (FB) was they bought that as well. It wasn't just that it was such a great platform, it was the knowing of how great of a tool it was. A mind altering tool in fact. Most people today do not even know why they keep seeing the same type of videos or same topics everyday and throughout the day. The reason is because this app builds an algorithm that is designed to identify what your interest are. In other words the stuff you like is what the app will continue to pump through your new feeds. I.E. If you like street fights, you get street fight videos, if you like street cars you get more street car videos. I.E. Drag races and low riders, etc... Similar to the quote from the book "As a Man Thinketh," where it was stated, bad trees can only bare bad fruit and good trees will only bare good fruit. It has been a while since I've read that book but you get the message. 

    A documentary I watched a couple years ago, detailed the threats of Facebook, and how if used in the wrong way, it would have a negative impact on many of its users. Just as a kid can become addicted to a video game, an adult can share the same addiction with their social media apps. Some of the guest in that documentary included some elite men in the world such as Warren Buffet and even Bill Gates. Did you know that many algorithm writers, or developers and psychologists, including "world elites" stated that they would never have a "blue app" account because they were aware of what type of mind altering tool it was? 

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