Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Person You Can't Tell No


Well hello fellow reader. As I figured, you’d dive into this hotbed of conspiracy and curiosity. This title has a lot hidden in its message doesn’t it…? Shall we continue? Everyone has one right? Yes, of course I am speaking of that person you can not tell no. Even if you’re seeing someone, serious with someone, married etc... There’s that one that you would have a bit of trouble saying no to huh? Yea, I thought you’d have someone in mind by now. Some of us even have more than one, but let’s just keep it simple for the sake of our own guilt, if there is any.

It’s no lie, humans are special creatures who experience temptations, emotional gratification, sensations that are intriguing or ignited by desires and past experiences. That’s it right there isn’t it? That past experience because to be honest why cant you say no to them? What is it about them? Was it the conversations, the time spent, the trials and tribulations, the sex? Sometimes just a simple fragrance or song maybe? Be honest think about it? Who is that person you couldn’t say no to right now. If they said they wanted to see you this weekend? Whether it was good or bad, or even if you knew you could or shouldn’t. Some live right there on the edge of that thrill hill. Some disregard it and eat the regret in the latter part of life. I wonder what happens when they know you cant say no or better yet they can’t say no either?

We often hear, there should be no regrets in life, don’t waste time, enjoy every moment, you only get one shot at life. What about right and wrong? What about following your heart? Does the heart even need to play a role if everything things comes naturally or even seems normal? The reality is we create our own realities. Social media can allow people who have been distant or irrelevant in our day to day activities, become a prevalent threat to your new life and even family. Someone you thought you’d never see again or who was committed to someone else becomes single and ready to mingle. Perhaps you end up single as well. Are the strong any different from the weak and vice versa?

Trust this has nothing to do with the grass on the other side. This involves something a bit deeper. Almost inexplicable, if you will. These are bonds that have been developed and strengthened for years even when each of you have been far apart. Keep in mind,we control the pen in our life’s story,  just as the mind does the body. Our thoughts lead to our actions and desires interfere with harsh realities. The sad truth is most actions were already thought out or dreamed of even. A false sense of a 2nd chance or an unwritten rule that places desired choices above the guaranteed consequences. This is no place for faith because all rules are barred when it comes to this uncontrollable submission. Most even like it and the thought of it. Are you alive in that truth? Does the truth set you free?

What is it that makes you not be able to say no? This is a question for you not me.
